
A mommy makeover typically refers to a combination of procedures, such as a breast lift, breast augmentation, tummy tuck, and liposuction. The goal is to help the patient restore her pre-pregnancy body, or to achieve the body she has always wanted



This surgery is tailored to each individual and can include variuos procedures, targeting different areas at once. You will only have to go through the healing process once, rather than two or three separate times, a really good investment, in terms of money and time. The goal is to help the patient restore her pre-pregnancy body, or to achieve the body she has always wanted. It is totally customizable to address individual areas of concern, helping patients of any age or gender to achieve the look they have always wanted.

Patients can expect to see dramatic results from their Mommy Makeover procedures. You will spend less time under anesthesia. Recovery time following surgery is typically two to three weeks. During this time, patients will need help at home with childcare and other responsibilities as they rest and heal. Mommy Makeovers are usually performed as outpatient procedures, which means that patients will need someone to drive them home and stay with them for the first 24 hours after surgery. 

Patients report an improvement in self-esteem and body confidence following surgery. In addition, many patients say they feel better able to meet the physical demands of motherhood after having surgery.  If you are thinking about having a Mommy Makeover, be sure to consult with a plastic surgeon to learn more about your options.   

Ready to get back your pre-baby body? Ready to achieved your dream body all at once? Book your surgery at Vixen Today!


This surgery is tailored to each individual and can include variuos procedures, targeting different areas at once. You will only have to go through the healing process once, rather than two or three separate times, a really good investment, in terms of money and time.The goal is to help the patient restore her pre-pregnancy body, or to achieve the body she has always wanted. It is totally customizable to address individual areas of concern, helping patients of any age or gender to achieve the look they have always wanted.

Ready to get back your pre-baby body? Ready to achieved your dream body all at once? Book your surgery at Vixen Today!

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Brazilian butt lift

Make your choice based in real patient results. See here amazing transfomation performed here at Vixen Plastic Surgery

Dr Cannon | Brazilian Butt Lift

Dr Triggs | Brazilian Butt Lift

Dr Cannon | Brazilian Butt Lift

before & After
brazilian butt lift

Make your choice based in real patient results. See here amazing transfomation performed here at Vixen Plastic Surgery,

Dr Triggs | Brazilian Butt Lift

Dr Cannon | Brazilian Butt Lift
Dr Cannon | Brazilian Butt Lift
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